Battle For Tamriel
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basic rules

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basic rules Empty basic rules

Post  Admin Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:06 am

Crime and Bounty
There are various crimes one can commit in this game and their magnitude has effect both on bounty/jail time, and “wanted” zones.
There are 3 types of wanted zones; regional, provincial, and alliance.
Regional bounty is taken into account only in a certain region in the province. On the map, regional boarders are marked by red lines, if your character manages to escape beyond those red lines, you are now out of that region’s jurisdiction and they can no longer pursue you.
Provincial bounty is more severe with a minimum offense of 1 murder. The only way to go outside jurisdiction is to flee the province all together.
Alliance bounty is a bit different from Provincial bounty. Basing it on extreme war crimes, Alliance jurisdiction reaches all provinces and individual regions in other provinces that are within the alliances control.
The bounty/jail time relationship is 1 septim=1 week of game time in jail
The various crimes and bounties are as follows:
Trespassing: picking locks or entering restricted areas/ 5 septims, regional
Theft: getting caught taking an owned item/ 10 septims per item, regional
Assault: blame in fights lies squarely on whoever threw the first non-hidden punch/ 40 septims per victim, regional
Murder: getting caught killing someone who didn’t attack you first/ 1000 septims per victim, provincial
Political attacks: sabotaging or attacking any politician/ 1500 septims per victim, provincial
Treason: betraying your alliance/ 3000 septims and possibly death, alliance
Abandonment: fleeing the fight/ 3500 septims or life in prison with possibility of death sentence, alliance
Following Skyrim’s skill set you have 18 skills all starting at level 5, and upon your character creation you will be able to choose seven skills to head start on (+20 bonus) upon this you will also receive immediate racial skill bonuses that are locked and not subject to change.
Imperials: +15 speech, +10 one handed, +10 heavy armour, +10 block, +15 two handed, +15 pickpocket
Redguards: +15 one handed, +15 two handed, +15 light armour, +15 heavy armour, +15 archery, +15 block
Orcs: +15 smithing, +15 block, +15 heavy armour, +15 two handed, +10 one handed +10 enchanting
Bretons: +15 restoration +15 conjuration +15 alchemy +15 alteration, +10 illusion, +15 enchanting
Nords: +15 one handed, +10 heavy armour, +10 restoration, +15 light armour, +15 two handed, +10 smithing;
Dark Elves (Dunmer): +10 destruction, +15 one handed, +10 two handed, +10 archery, +10 light armour
Argonians: +15 lockpicking, +10 pickpocket, +15 sneak, +10 light armour, +15 one handed, +15 illusion
Khajiit: +10 lockpicking, +15 pickpocket, +15 sneak, +15 light armour, +10 archery, +10 alchemy
Wood Elves (Bosmer): +15 archery, +15 light armour, +10 one handed, +10 sneak, +10 lockpicking,
High Elves (Altmer): +15 destruction, +15 illusion, +10 alteration, +10 conjuration, + 10 alchemy +15 enchanting

Special powers
On top of skill bonuses, every race gets passive, lesser or greater powers unique to their race. Passives are always in effect upon the player. Greater powers are abilities you can use without using up any stamina or magicka, but they can only be used once per in game day. Lesser powers work just like greater powers, only they’re not as powerful and can be used as many times per day as you like.
Imperials: Star of The West (greater power that absorbs an opponent’s stamina increasing your remaining number of power attacks or sprint time while decreasing his own) Voice of the emperor (lesser power that temporarily increases your persuasive ability)
Redguards: passive 50% poison resistance, 50% passive disease resistance, Adrenaline rush (greater power that fortifies all weapon and armour skills by 15 points for 60 seconds)
Orcs: passive 30% magic resistance, berserker (greater power that fortifies weapon skills by 15 points and ignores armour reduction by 15%, but reduces movement speed and stamina by 50% for 60 seconds)
Bretons: passive 50% magic resistance, passive +50 magicka points, dragon skin (greater power that reflects offensive spells back to the caster with a 50% success rate for 60 seconds (stacks with reflection spells))
Nords: passive 50% frost resistance, woad (greater power that reduces physical damage by 30% for 60 seconds)
Dunmer: passive 30% fire resistance, ancestral ghost (greater power that summons a wraith to fight along side you for 60 seconds)
Argonian: passive water breathing, passive 100% resistance to poison (immune), passive 75% resistance to disease
Khajiit: eye of fear (greater power that sends its victims fleeing the fight), eye of night (lesser power that casts night eye on its user for 30 seconds), passive +5 attack towards unarmed combat
Bosmer: passive 50% poison resistance, passive 50% disease resistance, voice of the wild (greater power that places a creature once enemy under your control, only works on beasts)
Altmer: passive 100 point bonus to magicka, passive 25% weakness to fire frost and shock

Every post cycle (point in which all combat involved post once) will be considered five seconds of gameplay, if you make a second post prematurely, it will be counted as part of the next five seconds of gameplay. If you are submerged or swimming in water, you will be limited strictly to melee actions no matter what your desired play style. If a player waits way too long before posting, his next post may be pushed into the current round making him unresponsive in previous rounds (I won’t allow foresight cheating to occur). Blades are swift but weak allowing for 6 weak strikes per round, axes are moderate allowing four strikes per round, maces and warhammers are brutally powerful but so slow allowing only two strikes per round, spells are 1 second long if one shot and your choice how long if channeled, shields blocking is zero seconds but a bash is 1 and consumes stamina with a % chance to work, stagger lasts 3 seconds and can be caused either by unblocked power strike a successful shield bash or a dual spell cast (if you’ve got the perk for it.) chance to dodge will be increased by your sneak skill, but decreased by the weight of your equipped armour. You will be limited to ten favourites slots, you may place any weapon, armour, spell or item in them, swapping equipped takes 1 second, swapping equipped for a non-favourite takes 5 seconds (all round), you can attack 3 times per round with a bow, dual wielding weapons or two different spells doubles the amount of strikes you can make per turn, power strikes take twice as long as a normal strike.

In the beginning
To not put you in a prison situation where you’ve hit rock bottom would be a giant slap to the face against Bethesda Softworks, so guess what your initiation mission is going to be?! To put a multiplayer spin on things, I am going to let you and other players perform the mission together if you like, just pick a province and I’ll pick a story for you to struggle out of.
I’m going to be more strict on your character’s sense of hunger, throughout the gameplay you will be required to periodically eat so keep your food supply up or frequently visit inns.
Smithing alchemy and enchanting all require work stations for which there are portable alternatives. Anvils, alchemy tables and enchanting tables can be places in your inventory weighing 60 pounds each and taking 30 seconds or six rounds to either set up or stow away. The process of using these skills takes 5 seconds or 1 round per item being created or augmented.


Posts : 92
Join date : 2012-02-25

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